A trip to a train station

My family and I went on a trip to Sydney to the blue mountains but we have to catch a train, but we went to the wrong station. The train station was not working but there was a candy bar so I looked at the candy and the expiry date was next year so it must have been aright to eat so my family and I took some. Then we realise than we need to go to the right train station when we got there the train that we are catching just arrived so we left to go to the blue Mountain

The Volcano

My family and I were full time travellers But 2020 brought us back to Australia, but on the plane back we saw a volcano I was taking a photo, but we learnt that the volcano was about to explode. The crew on the plane said it was called the explosive volcano, and it only explodes ones every ten years and it was about to explode. Ones the plane went pass the volcano it exploded and luckily there was no houses near by and no one got hurt.when we got home we saw it on the news.

Terrifying statue

I was on a walk around my street and I saw this really terrifying statue it was an old statue that I’ve never seen before so someone must’ve put it there overnight. So I went back home to tell Mum that there was a statue around the corner of the house. So me and mum went to go have a look at the statue but does it she was gone so that was really terrifying so we went to go investigate and found out that it moved so someone must’ve moved it when we were gone three-time back and moved right back where it was but I found it