My Family Trip To England

I was on a family trip and I brought with me Vegemite but when I got to England, my family and I went to our hotel. The next day we went to explore around us we went in to a grocery store because we ran out of Vegemite, so we were looking around and we couldn’t find it so we asked a worker if he said no I’ve never herd of Vegemite. The worker said that they have marmite. My English cousin I he wanted Vegemite but no he said I like Marmite. I said ok I have marmite do you want toast with your marmite.

Family get together

One day my family was having a party at a farm so when I got there, I saw a flower farm but I did not look there. We went to the animal part there was around about 7 chickens,2 ducks,2 ponys, 1 horse. We fed the animals then we had to wash our hands,then we ate some of the food. We went to the markets there to buy some things,after we brought some stuff then we went to see the flowers but there was a human like statue but it was a greeny siver metal. There was two side by side we though that they were both fake.

The mystery package 3

I was on a walk and I saw a balloon tide to a box I looked in side the box and there was a puppy and that puppy kicked me. The puppy was brown I have never seen a puppy that brown. There was a large storm coming so I took the box with the brown puppy in it and I ran home just in time for the storm. The storm came and it was very frightening. The power went out and I was cooking dinner at the same time. I was home alone at the time mum and dad came home.